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Emergency Intervention
It is the policy of Mahaska Health Partnership that

Home Health Agency qualified personnel shall provide appropriate emergency interventions should the patient exhibit changes which are judged to be lifethreatening
while agency personnel are in the home.

Agency personnel shall respect and honor competent patient's wishes and any Advance Directives which are in place.

Activate the emergency medical system (EMS) (911 in most areas);
Remain with the patient until EMS arrives;
Provide pertinent information to EMS personnel;
Notify the Clinical Supervisor describing all events;
The clinical Supervisor/employee shall notify the physician, describing all events;
Qualified personnel may take appropriate measures to maintain/sustain life including:

Initiating basic first aid
Maintaining an open airway
Initiating CPR

These actions shall not be initiated if a “Do Not Resuscitate” order has been signed by the patient's physician and is in the patient's medical record.