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HAN Portal Usage 9110004
To outline a procedure to receive alerts from the statewide Health Alert Network (HAN).  To describe a procedure for ensuring the appropriate parties are notified of the information conveyed in alerts through the system. The HAN portal is defined as a communication network of pagers, telephones, radios, and Emails used to convey information statewide for low, medium, and high level alerts.


All Alerts:
1.HAN system users will be the following positions: One person from the Executive team, ER Director, Ambulance Director, Lab Director, Infection control personnel, and safety officer.  The ER also receives alerts and all ER staff shall have access to the HAN portal.

2.HAN users are notified of alerts via alpha numeric pagers, cell phone, phone, or email.

3.When receiving an alert, all users will access the HAN website at to ascertain risk to this hospital and the local area.

4.HAN users shall dial 2334 as the emergency hospital number and have the ED Admitting Wireless paging system used to announce an immediate safety committee meeting (and location of such meeting) when receiving “High” level alerts, if the alert is other than a test or drill of the HAN system.

5.All available safety committee members and HAN system users will meet to discuss the alert and the action that is needed.

6.Low level alerts are used to inform of updates and routine information.  Users are usually notified by email only.

7.All medium and high level alerts shall be forwarded to all administrators, CEO, DON, Infection Control personnel, ICU, Supervisor , Pharmacy, Safety Committee, all laboratory personnel, Medical staff, and all affiliated clinics  A call-down list shall be maintained for this purpose.

8.The call list will be updated monthly to maintain accuracy
Amber Alerts or Alerts re: Dangerous Persons

Administration will consider the need to do the following.

1.Overhead announcement (during the hours of 7 AM to 9 PM) for all staff to access their email to view the alert.  Staff will notify other employees, who do not have email access, of the contents of the alert as soon as possible.

2.Print pictures and post at each door/entrance and at time clocks.

3.Determine if a lock down procedure needs to occur for reports of dangerous persons.  Refer to lock down procedure in Safety & Emergency Preparedness Manual.